for non-destructive materials testing
What is the penetrant test?
Penetration test according to DIN EN ISO 3452-1:2013 (replacement for DIN EN 571-1:1997-03)
The dye penetrant method (also known as the red-white test or FE test) can be used to detect surface defects on ferrous and non-ferrous metals, many plastics, ceramic materials, glass, etc. quickly and without great effort. Surface defects on components and machines can be detected quickly and without great effort.
The prerequisite for the indentation method is that the defects are open to the surface. This method is used for the inspection of weld seams, castings, in shipbuilding, aircraft construction, the automotive industry, apparatus and container construction, etc.
A distinction is made between colored and fluorescent penetrant testing. In fluorescent crack testing, the test is performed with penetrants that fluoresce under UV light. The characteristic feature of the penetrant method is that defects such as cracks, pores, etc. can be detected and made visible even on non-magnetizable materials.
Process flow:
The actual testing process is divided into four separate operations. The following products are required for this:
- Precleaning (MR® Remover)
- Application of penetrant (MR® Penetrant)
- Excess penetrant removal (MR® Remover)
- Application of developer (MR® Developer, white)